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Carn Marth Trust
Registered Charity No 1100606

The Carn Marth Trust is a group of people who manage and care for a public amenity. This consists of lands on Carn Marth, nineteen acres bought by the group and a further nineteen leased by the Group from Cornwall Council. The Group are committed to maintaining this land as an open space for all to enjoy.

The Group was formed in 1986 in response to plans to reopen quarrying on the hill. Had the Group not taken this initiative, some one and a quarter million tons of granite would have been quarried away from the top of the Carn, leaving what was a site of landscape significance largely in ruins.



The initial purchase of the nineteen acres was made possible by the foresight of both County and Local Authorities in providing grants, on top of donations from the very many concerned supporters and a vigorous program of fund raising. In the succeeding years we have continued to fund the care and maintenance of the hill with the proceeds of entertainments held every summer in the open air theatre built by the Group.

In November 2003 we achieved charity status. Coupled with this was a growing realisation of just how the value of open space amenities has risen over the years, and continues to rise. Carn Marth isn’t just a public amenity however, it is also one of the vital stepping stones, or oasis’s, of Lowland Heath that run down the South West peninsular. We are already running a program of invasive weed control but would like to do more. For example, calling a halt to the spread of Bracken and making a start on encouraging the regrowth of the various heathers that Lowland Heath consists of. To carry out this sort of thing we need help. You may well be able to provide us with just the help that we need, whether it is information on funding that we may be eligible for, practical help on one of our litter pick ups or perhaps a donation, any of these would be most welcome and make a real difference. Now that we are a charity the value of even the smallest donation can be maximised with the tax concessions available. If you are not already a member and have an interest in the countryside, or Carn Marth in particular, why not join us in this most successful and worthwhile project. Members receive newsletters and enjoy the satisfaction of furthering this important conservation effort.


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